Vacation Bible School is a week of sound Biblical teaching and a time for children to learn God’s Word in a fun, relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere. It’s a life-changing experience for those children who have not been introduced to Christian doctrine and it’s an important ministry in assisting Christian parents as they rear their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. What a privilege to teach young minds such Biblical truths as, repentance unto salvation, Christ's finished work on the cross, and what it means to follow Christ as a way of life.
A typical week of Vacation Bible School will consist of a daily opening program that introduces the Bible lesson for the day with an opening skit which readily engages the children. They are now eager and ready and looking forward to learning more in their classes. Other activities in the daily program are a music time, where children learn and sing songs and hymns that reinforce God’s truth. This is the time where children learn that singing praises to God is just as important as learning about Him. Craft time is a fun and creative way to reinforce the Bible lesson of the day. Craft teachers explain how the craft correlates to what they learned in their lesson. The crafts are meaningful and durable, something the children will keep and be proud of for a long time. The day continues with a snack time as well as a recreation time that is also developed around the Bible lesson.
Our Vacation Bible School program invites children ages 4 to 12 years old. Classes are made up of children according to their particular age or grade level, which helps them to better grasp the lesson’s principles. Activities target all learning levels and style, so that a child is able to grasp and remember the Bible truth according to his or her learning ability. Our teachers and staff are dedicated, caring members of our church who are attentive and willing to meet a child’s individual needs. Parents are comfortable leaving their children in the care of our staff, which is evident because they return each day with their smiling, excited child in hand, who’s eager to start another day at VBS. It’s a wonderful opportunity to teach young hearts and mold young minds “ in the way they should go," and that way is to Jesus Christ and to life everlasting. VBS is a rewarding, exhilarating experience that will impact a child’s life for many years to come.